Hong Kong: When self storage facilities close







In Hong Kong, the closure of a small (4 location) self storage company, Manga Self Storage, has caused some concern, especially among people who may have pre-paid for their storage.

We wish that all self storage operators maintained the same high standards as the members of the Self Storage Association Asia (SSAA). However, some, like Manga, are not our members and lack that commitment.

Our members represent the most professional operators in Asia. In Hong Kong, they are also the majority of self storage as measured in square feet available for rental. We also count small operators who have high standards among our members. They are the best, striving to improve their service.

Members of the SSAA constantly seek to improve their high-quality security, customer service and excellence in management. As a result, that makes them the first choice for discerning personal and business users alike. 

Look for the SSAA membership sticker at the door, updated every year. We have found rare cases of people using our logo and claiming to be members when they are not. This includes 5 companies in Hong Kong (here).

Let us know if you have any questions about a company and their membership status by sending an email to info@selfstorageasia.org