Watch a rugby match and you will see one of the most gruelling and physical tests sports can offer.  But while it is undeniably a bruising and gritty affair, there are few sports that can match it for integrity and camaraderie. The rugby community is an unfailingly tight knit group with a generous and giving soul – and one need look no further than Hong Kong for proof of that.




The Hong Kong Rugby Union (HKRU) has long played a role in helping to effect positive change in the community. From many of the local teams to the Union’s Community Foundation program, there is a rich and varied history of helping the less fortunate and while extending a welcoming and participatory arm. However, the impact of the rugby community extends far beyond Hong Kong’s border into what may, at least initially, appear to be some of the most unlikeliest places.




Mention the country of Laos, and rugby would not be the first thing that comes to mind. And yet in this landlocked southeast Asian country of 7.2 million, a healthy rugby culture is now emerging and for all the right seasons.  According to Lao Rugby Federation (LRF) CEO Viengsamai Souksavanh, the burgeoning rugby scene has been invaluable on a number of levels. “Rugby is not just about learning how to play the sport,” she said. “It also provides opportunities for youth, especially women and girls, to gain leadership and life skills.”


每當提起老撾,多數人都不會聯想到欖球。然而,在這個擁有 720 萬人口的東南亞內陸國家,欖球熱潮正方興未艾。根據Lao Rugby Federation (LRF) 的行政總裁 Viengsamai Souksavanh 表示,正在發展蓬勃的欖球運動,能為社會帶來多方面的裨益。「學打欖球,不單是純粹學習怎樣打。」她說。「欖球更為青少年,尤其是婦女和女孩,提供一個訓練領導能力和生活技能的大好機會。」


Helping to accommodate that opportunity is where the Hong Kong community, both sporting and corporate, have come in. A co-operation consisting of RedBox Storage, DHL, the HKRU, the Kowloon Rugby Football Club (Kowloon RFC), the Pot Bellied Pigs RFC, DAC Management LLC (DAC), ESF Kennedy School and many others have played an integral role in collecting footwear and equipment to be sent on to Laos.  “We’ve had to be more creative generating collections because the pandemic has made it challenging to secure resources for Lao so they can use rugby to facilitate the health and social benefits of organized sport for young people,” said RedBox CEO Tim Alpe. “We are proud to be able to continue our work supporting Lao Rugby and also grateful for the help of the community. It really is a team effort.”


無論是香港體育界還是商界,都希望把握機會為當地欖球運動出一分力。當中包括 紅盒迷你倉、DHL、香港欖球總會、九龍欖球會、Pot Bellied Pigs RFC 、DAC Management LLC (DAC)、ESF堅尼地小學以及其他很多機構,均落力收集球鞋及其他設備以捐助予老撾當地。紅盒迷你倉行政總裁Tim Alpe表示:「因為疫情關係,令到物資難以運送到老撾。我們要打破常規,用非一般的方法去收集及運送物資。若他們能夠獲得充足資源,當地年輕人就能參與欖球運動,令他們活得健康之餘,更能提升社會效益。」「我們很榮幸能繼續為老撾的欖球運動出力,同時亦衷心感謝香港各社區的幫助,這是整個團隊努力得來的成果。」


RedBox has been supplying collection bins and storage of new and used sports gear at Kings Park with the support of the HKRU.  Kennedy School has also taken ownership of a bin and over the years has collected 2,000 pairs of sports shoes and over 400 rugby balls. "The school’s donation follows several successful fundraisers where students raise funds to adopt a rugby team in rural Laos," said Tim Luck, Kennedy School.


在香港欖球總會的支持下,紅盒迷你倉於京士柏公園設置了收集箱,用作收集及暫存新舊運動裝備。ESF堅尼地小學亦設有一個收集箱,多年來已收集多達2,000 雙球鞋及超過400 個欖球。ESF堅尼地小學的Tim Luck表示:「過去學校成功舉辦多次籌款活動,籌募得來的善款則用以支援老撾郊區的欖球隊。」


DAC are Platinum Sponsors of the LRF and headline sponsors of Kowloon RFC, whilst Kowloon RFC is a Silver Sponsor. “DAC and Kowloon RFC are pleased to be long time supporters of the LRF and are pleased to see the Hong Kong community support this great work through sponsorship and kit donations,” commented DAC Chairman Phil Groves.


DAC分別是LRF的白金贊助商及九龍欖球會的主要贊助商;而九龍欖球會則為LRF的銀贊助商。「對於能長期支持LRF,DAC 和九龍欖球會感到非常榮幸,我們亦高興見到香港社區踴躍贊助及捐贈設備,以行動支持這項別具意義的活動。」DAC 主席 Phil Groves 如是說。


Kowloon RFC have extended their LRF support and have been aiding in the facilitation of donations ( to help cover operating costs so LRF can continue their development and outreach programs,” added Monty Heslop, Kowloon RFC General Manager." In addition to this the club and its members have actively helped co-ordinate kit collections and provided on-line coaching and technical support. This interaction encourages club members to give back to society through the rugby network.


與此同時,九龍欖球會對LRF更作出進一步支援。「九龍欖球會透過籌款 ( 協助LRF籌募營運開支,令他們得以持續發展及推行外展計劃。」九龍欖球會總幹事Monty Heslop補充說。「此外,欖球會及其會員更為球具收集活動擔當協調工作,並提供網上教授及技術支援。這種互動模式能鼓勵球會會員,透過欖球網絡回饋社會。」


Finally, DHL as a Gold sponsor of the LRF, ensures the shoes, balls and equipment are delivered where they are needed. “DHL has been providing support for the development of children through a variety of rugby initiatives in Laos over the past 10 years.  Whenever we are able, DHL are proud to provide transportation and play a role in support of community programs such as the collections organized by local schools, rugby clubs and RedBox,” said DHL Garry Kemp.


最後,不可不提的就是LRF金牌贊助商DHL,負責確保球鞋、欖球和設備等妥善運送到所需地方。「過去 10 年來,DHL一直在老撾透過各種各樣的欖球計劃,支援當地兒童發展。只要能力所及,DHL樂意提供運輸服務並會繼續積極參與本地的籌募活動,例如由本地學校、欖球會和紅盒迷你倉舉辦的收集活動。」DHL 的Garry Kemp 表示。


Few places are more grateful for the help and generosity than Laos. In the northern provinces of Xieng Khouang, tag rugby is popular because they are playing on stone and dirt surfaces, making it next to impossible for contact. Thanks to the donations, including some financial support from Kowloon RFC and Hong Kong, these rugby players in the north can make weekend excursions to grass pitches.


有些偏遠地區,更加需要獲得援助。位於老撾北部的川壙省,雖然球員要在滿佈碎石灰泥的地面進行帶式欖球(Tag Rugby)訓練及作賽,但仍然在當地大受歡迎。幸好,當地獲得九龍欖球會及香港其他組織的財政支持,這班北部的欖球運動員,在周末終於可以在草地球場上大展身手了。


There are around 3,000 registered rugby players in Laos with women making up close to 55%. Women’s teams from the country have also been grateful for the donations that have allowed them to continue their development and outreach programs. They have travelled to a number of countries for rugby tournaments ranging from Philippines and Singapore to the US and Hong Kong.  According to Souksavanh, most of these women would never have had the opportunity to see these international locale if it wasn’t for rugby – as well as the donations from the community at large.


現時老撾約有 3,000 名註冊欖球運動員,其中女性佔近百分之55。當地的女子欖球隊非常感謝各界的援助,因為這些善款能讓她們繼續發展及推行外展活動。這班女子隊員曾遠赴多個國家參加比賽,從菲律賓、新加坡再到美國和香港。據Souksavanh所說,若不是因為欖球以及來自社區的捐助,她們這一生都未必有機會踏足這些國際都會。


On the heels of Asia successfully hosting the first ever Rugby World Cup in Japan in 2019, the profile of the sport has never been higher in the region. And thanks to the efforts of the rugby world, it has resonated in more ways and places than most could have ever thought possible. Playing a pivotal role in positively changing the culture of a country requires contributions from many factions. But while the game of rugby may be played on the pitch,

the soul of the sport knows no boundaries.





About RedBox Mini Storage

RedBox Mini Storage, Hong Kong's largest storage facilities.

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紅盒迷你倉的服務包括:自存迷你倉 | 自助式迷你倉滿足您各種需要;上門迷你箱 | 我們可上門為您收送及儲存物品;商業儲存 | 度身訂制儲存方案,助您擴闊業務發展空間;包裝與商品 | 我們有齊保護您物品的所需。




About Lao Rugby Federation

The Lao Rugby Federation (LRF) is the governing body for all rugby activities in the Lao PDR and is a full member of Asia Rugby and World Rugby. In addition, the LRF is also registered with the Elite Sports Department under the Lao Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES).

The LRF works to realise the vision of a Lao PDR in which all people have the opportunity to participate in the sport of rugby. LRF activities are focused on developing the sport through school and community development initiatives, supporting domestic and elite teams, and building a sound structure to provide transparent and accountable financial and administrative support to the sport. This can be simplified as: Rugby for all in Laos.

For more information on Lao Rugby Federation, visit

關於Lao Rugby Federation

LRF負責管理所有老撾欖球活動,為亞洲橄欖球總會及世界橄欖球總會的正式成員。此外,LRF更是老撾教育及體育部(MoES)屬下精英運動部門的註冊機構。LRF致力實現老撾人民民主共和國的願景 --- 讓所有人都有機會參與欖球運動。LRF舉辦活動的宗旨,乃希望透過學校和社區參與積極發展欖球運動,並支援本國及精英團隊。LRF期望透過健全的組織架構,為這項運動提供透明而負責任的財務及行政支援。

