[SSAA Interview] The Future of Self Storage Smart Entry with Jack Perrins & Ben Parsed, Steel Storage

Starting this year, Self Storage Association Asia interviews industry experts within the industry to share latest new and development that they have came across. From investment to real estate trends, also from operation challenges to the latest technologies. Stay tuned to get your bi-weekly news from us, and stay at the top of your game.

At this very first interview, we are starting with something new and exciting - SMART ENTRY! We have invited Jack Perrins, General Manager at Steel Storage Asia, and Benjamin Parsed, Head of Nokē Smart Entry & Facility Automation Steel Storage Australia to discuss the changes and benefits the adaptation of smart access and door locking solutions has had led to self storage in the region.

SSAA - Self Storage Association Asia

JP - Jack Perrins

BP - Benjamin Parsad

SSAA: Thanks for joining us today, gentlemen. First up, you are part of a global network now as Steel Storage in Europe, Asia and Australia, and now Janus International. You get to see trends from America, the EU and Asia. What are the trends that you see impacting on Asia that arise either from domestic Asia pressures or imported from overseas?

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JP: Well, I think the trends that shape the industry will stem both from the type of product that the people of Asia are asking for as well as the type of product that can be brought to market in this day and age. 


BP: One trend we now see in self storage around the world is the second-generation wave who have taken the rein from their parents. They have a different direction or vision; they want to make it modern, appealing to customers and more customer focused. This will then in turn impact how new facilities are designed in Asia e.g., some of the reception areas look like hotels now! The use of technology is part of the process more than ever either for access, door locking or operational management.


SSAA: Smart locks have seen big uptake in the USA and Europe. What are going to be the drivers for adoption in Asia? Do you see some markets taking off before others and why?

BP: As people continue to use technology to streamline not only their business operation but also their personal life, we will begin to see a more noticeable trend towards the push for app-based systems. Companies such as Grab, Uber and Airbnb have paved the way for this type of contactless lifestyle that so many in the Asian region have already adapted to, it is the natural progression for the industry.


JP: In the past traditional systems and buildings required hardwired systems. This takes time to complete installation and is labour intensive. With Smart locks, specifically our Nokē One solution, as it is a part of our suit of products construction for units and security is installed simultaneously. This speeds up construction time, as it completes both scopes security access and partitioning. This could potentially enable customers to open early, ahead of time keeping them happy.

SSAA: Are smart locks more about improving operator efficiency or are they more about improving customer experience?

JP: They definitely help from both aspects. The advantage of a smart lock is that it digitalises the customers storing experience. All access can now be controlled by customers using their phone and they are removing variable elements such as keys, passcodes, and onsite personnel. 

By having all of this information available, self storage operators can now establish a profile of each person entering their facility rather than just those renting a unit. Furthermore, all onboarding can be done remotely, meaning that one person can operate several facilities at once from a central location as we have seen in several businesses in the European market.


BP: Yeah, well, both really. For operators, the main drive would be operational efficiencies and higher level of security, which is a main point of difference when selling door locks vs traditional unit alarms and by investing in technology and electronic smart locks, facilitates use automation which will in turn have ROI, given costs of builds and land is ever increasing.

As for customer experience, current working population are millennials and Gen Z, who now expect technology such as mobile apps, online rentals, reservation and not have to get out of their car to open a gate but use their mobile to enter a facility. Customers are now exposed to a combination of a high-tech lifestyle at home with automation, smart tablets, apps and expect nothing less in self storage.


SSAA: What do you do about customers who lose their passwords, phones, keycodes?

JP: I’ll Let Ben field this one.


BP: The Nokē Smart Entry system is primarily app based and a cloud-based product, hence the retrieval of passwords or access to app log ins and codes is simplified where they can do a “forget password” online or on the app. Alternatively they can contact our 24/7 person to person support team who are always happy to assist.


SSAA: We note that you have decided to go Bluetooth over NFC, biometrics and other 'no-key' options. Why Bluetooth?

JP: Another for Benny.


BP: I believe when accessing all the different ways to communicate with our devices such as gates controllers and unit door locking, Bluetooth is common in most smart phones today and even the older ones, meaning that the adaptation will be better for the latest phones as well as the older smart phones. NFC has only been released into newer phones more recently. The goal or vision here was to have a full contactless solution hence biometrics is out of the questions with NFC, as you’re required to touch or get out of the car and there is a high level of maintenance such as, the readers require regular cleaning due to optimal operation. 

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SSAA: If people want to check out some new buildouts using this tech, are there any videos or walkthroughs online we can link to?

JP: Yes sure, our most current demonstration of the Nokē One system can be found at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1NEeSPDNcA

BP: I would suggest contact us first we will be more than happy to assist, if not please head to our websites https://steelstorage.com.sg/noke-one or https://www.januseurope.com/noke full of helpful self storage specific case studies, videos, and product brochure.

SSAA: Where do you conduct your research on new products and what's next?

BP: The Nokē Smart Entry product is fully designed and built for self storage. So, our first point of call is to our customers (operators) constantly seeing them and asking them what issues they are having and how we can provide support. This does help very much in our feature development providing real solutions to real issues in our niche market. We are a supplier of the self storage industry world-wide providing the best solution.


JP: Regarding what’s next; the intention is to take what we have learnt from our rollouts in USA and Europe and adapt that to operate as smoothly as possible in this very unique Asian market.


SSAA: Thanks for taking the time to talk to us! Where can people reach you?

JP: Thanks Andrew. They can call me on +65 9780 9752 or email me at jack.perrins@steelstorage.com.sg Ben, you?


BP: Yes Jack, I'm at Ben.Parsad@steelstorage.com.au. We are also on LinkedIn and Facebook and they can visit our website for more information https://steelstorage.com.sg.


About the interviewees


Jack Perrins

General Manager

Steel Storage Asia Pte Ltd

Having taken the reigns for Steel Storage Asia in 2018, Jack has come full circle from managing the factory for Steel Storage Australia between 2010-2015 and cutting his teeth within the commercial property sector for 3 years in between. Jack is responsible for the strategic direction of the business and coordinating the high calibre, cohesive team of dedicated professionals who are the heart of Steel Storage Asia. He believes that as a market leader Steel Storage Asia must progress its culture of continuous improvement and quality.

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Benjamin Parsad

Smart Access Systems Manager

Steel Storage Asia Pte Ltd

Ben is Head of the Smart Entry and Facility Automation division at Steel Storage. He has been providing leading-edge technology tools to the self storage industry since 2006. Ben’s technical knowledge and commitment to his customers is unrivalled and ensures Steel Storage always delivers exceptional smart entry and automation technology solutions that assist self storage operators, increase the value of their facilities and improve operations.

Ben was a board member of the Self Storage Association Asia from 2015 - 2021.